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We, The Chartered Accountants:

We are Chartered Accountants who started our humble careers off with Big Accounting Firms and Investment Banks- but honestly, we were still finding our calling in finance!

"Start-ups" – The Buzzword :

In 2016-17, a wave of entrepreneurship swept globally, sparked by initiatives such as Make in India. Startups and scaleups were blooming globally, captivating our minds with their growth. We were utterly fascinated!

We Left To Work With Startups:

We craved work we could care about, where we could have the freedom to make a real impact. Startups were doing work they were passionate about but couldn’t get the support they needed.

And That’s Where Everything Started:

We see the same pain we felt in accounting and finance everywhere. Our mission is to create new types of teams that allow everyone to love what they do.

Start the dialogue, unlock possibilities

Intent © 2024. All Rights Reserved. Designed and Developed by Digiscaler

Intent is the trading name of Intentfin Ventures LLP, a registered Limited Liability Partnership Firm [Registration number ACH-2664]

We are not a traditional accounting firm, so we are not a member firm of any of the regulating accounting Institutes worldwide.
We are not a Law firm, so we are not authorised or regulated by the Bar Council or Solicitors Regulation Authority of any country.

Nothing in this website constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a representation that any strategy is suitable or appropriate for individual circumstances, or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation for any specific business.

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